Keweenaw Premier Golf Outing
2024 Premier Golf Outing Results:
1st Place: ThermoAnalytics, Inc.
2nd Place: Copper Country Ford
3rd Place: Industrial Graphics
BEST DRESSED: Manninen’s Cabins
Long Drive Men #3: Heath Johnson
Long Drive Ladies #3: Marya Julio
Closest to the Pin #4 – ThermoAnalytics, Inc. - 6"
Closest to the Pin #14- Jay Monticello - 8"
Closest to the Pin #15 - Tom Keeley - 31.5"
Longest Putt Hole #16- Joe Goulette - 24'
Longest Putt Hole #9 – Chassell Carpentry - 16'10"
Thank you, to all of our generous SPONSORS!
Copper Country Ford - 2024 Ford Truck
The Tervo Agency - $10,000 CASH
Krupps Resort
Upper Peninsula State Bank
Industrial Graphics
UP Health System - Portage
Copper Country Ford
The Tervo Agency
Copper Shores
Calumet Electronics
Superior Graphics
Keweenaw Brewing Company
Superior National Bank
Keweenaw Title Agency
Breakwater Federal Credit Union
UP Engineers & Architects
Small Business Association of Michigan
Jim's Foodmart
RE/MAX Douglass Real Estate
McGrath Inc.
Aspirus Health
Northwinds Adventures
Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center
OHM Advisors (Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc.)
Center Ice Skate & Sport | Level-UP
Miners State Bank
Agate Vacations, LLC
Lume Cannabis Co. Houghton
DP Construction
2023 Premier Golf Outing Results:
1st Place: Copper Country Ford
2nd Place: Great Lakes Sound & Vibration, Inc.
3rd Place: Bills B&B Bar
The Tervo Agency $10,000 HOLE -IN-ONE #15: Ryan DeForge
Copper Country Ford $900 REVO Gift Card HOLE -IN-ONE #15: Ryan DeForge
BEST DRESSED: City of Houghton - DPW
Longest Putt Hole #9 – Jim Hanner - 30’10”
Thank you, to all of our generous SPONSORS!
• Copper Country Ford is sponsoring #8 with a CHANCE to WIN a 2024 Ford Truck
• The Tervo Agency is sponsoring #15 with a CHANCE to WIN $10,000 CASH
Keweenaw Chevrolet GMC
The Acciacca Agency - Farm Bureau Insurance
Calumet Electronics
Upper Peninsula State Bank
Small Business Association of Michigan
Superior Graphics
UP Health System - Portage
Northern Specialty Health News
Nitro Consulting
Independence Stay of Houghton
Industrial Graphics
Keweenaw Brewing Company
41 Lumber
Superior National Bank
Keweenaw Title Agency
Bucko's Party Store
Copper Shores Community Health Foundation
Breakwater Federal Credit Union
Transnation Title Agency
Wluc-Tv 6
River Trails, LLC
Peak Metal Roofing
UP Engineering & Architects
2022 Premier Golf Outing Sponsorships:
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford and Tervo Agency
Cart Sponsor:
Keweenaw Chevrolet | Buick | GMC
Ace Sponsor:
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods, Small Business Association of Michigan,
Par Sponsors:
The Acciacca Agency, Pepsi of Houghton, IncredibleBank, Great Lakes Mineral, Pat's Foods, Northwinds Adventures, Superior National Bank, U.P. Engineers & Architects, Portage Health Foundation, Nitro Consulting, Pat's Foods, BCBS, Walmart, Keweenaw Restoration, and Superior Graphics.
2022 Premier Golf Outing Results:
1st Place: Farm Bureau Houghton
2nd Place: Keweenaw Restoration
3rd Place: Copper Country Ford
BEST DRESSED: Manninen’s Cabins
Long Drive Men #2 - Jordan Shawhan
Long Drive Ladies #2 - Lexi Jacques
Closest to the Pin #4 - TV6 - 9ft 11in
Longest Putt Hole #9 - Adam Loukus 46ft 6in
Closest to the Pin #14- Moe Maroste 4.5in
Longest Putt Hole #16- Mike Stever 390in
2021 Premier Golf Outing Sponsorships:
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford and Tervo Agency
Cart Sponsor:
Keweenaw Chevrolet | Buick | GMC
Ace Sponsor:
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods, Small Business Association of Michigan, Portage Health Foundation, Nitro Consuting and Superior Graphics
Par Sponsors:
The Acciacca Agency, Pepsi of Houghton, IncredibleBank, Great Lakes Mineral, Pat's Foods, Northwinds Adventures, Houghton, Superior National Bank, U.P. Engineers & Architects, DP Construction, Omer's Golf Course and Miners State Bank.
2021 Premier Golf Outing Results:
1st Place: Omer's Golf Course Bar, Restaurant, and Rental Cabins
2nd Place: Finlandia University
3rd Place: Coke-Cola Hancock
Long Drive (Women): Zoe Woodworth
Long Drive (Men): Colin St. Onge
CTP #4: Richard Grey - 11'9"
CTP #14: Chassell Carpentry - 22.60"
Longest Putt #16: Superior National Bank 45'6"
Shortest Drive: Harold Brotherton
2020 Premier Golf Outing Sponsorships:
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford and Tervo Agency
Cart Sponsor:
Keweenaw Chevrolet | Buick | GMC
Ace Sponsor:
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods, Small Business Association of Michigan, and Superior Graphics
Par Sponsors:
The Acciacca Agency, Pepsi of Houghton, IncredibleBank, Great Lakes Mineral, Portage Health Foundation, Pat's Foods, Northwinds Adventures, Walmart Houghton, Superior National Bank and Trust, U.P. Engineers & Architects, Keweenaw Restoration, and Blue Cross Blue Shield
2020 Premier Golf Outing Results:
First Place Team: Peterson's Fish Market
Second Place Team: Superior National Bank and Trust
Third Place Team: Blue Cross Blue Shield
Longest Drive #2 (Women): Zoe Woodworth
Longest Drive #2 (Men): Josh Morley
CTP #4: Robert Frantti 65.40"
Longest Putt #9: Caleb Acciacca 37'1"
CTP #14: Ethan Johnson 2'11.5"
Longest Putt #16: Aron Butkovich 14'15"
Skins Winners
#3 Birdie Pat's Foods
#13 Eagle The Acciacca Agency

2019 Golf Outing:
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford and Tervo Agency
Ace Sponsor:
David Kent Consulting
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods, Miners State Bank, and Superior Graphics
Par Sponsors:
Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital, Finlandia University, Great Lakes Mineral, Pepsi-Cola of Houghton, IncredibleBank, Superior National Bank and Trust, CENTURY 21 North Country Agency, Northwinds Adventures, U.P. Engineers & Architects, and DP Construction
2019 Premier Golf Outing Results:
First Place Team: Portage Lake Golf Course
Second Place Team: Copper Country Ford
Third Place Team: Peterson's Fish Market
Longest Drive #2 (Women): Molly Mikesch
Longest Drive #2 (Men): Jimmy Brey
CTP #4: Steve Langley 10'9"
Longest Putt #9: Hugh DePaulis
CTP #14: Walmart Houghton
Longest Putt #16: Phil Raffaelli 20'4"
Skins Winners $600
UP Engineers & Architects ($300)
Peterson's Fish Market ($300)
2018 Golf Outing:
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford and Tervo Agency
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods, UPPCO, and Portage Health Foundation
Par Sponsors:
Pepsi-Cola of Houghton, Finlandia University, Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych’s Econo Foods, River Valley Bank, Walmart, Copper Country Ford, Daily Mining Gazette, UPPCO, UP Engineer & Architects, Campioni Enterprises/Pats Foods, Northwinds Adventures, Superior National Bank, Portage Health Foundation, Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital, Great Lakes Mineral, and DP Construction
Keweenaw Adventure Company, TV6 Fox UP, Edochi LLC, Portage Lake Golf Course, Chassell Carpentry, Isle Royale Queen, and Michigan Tech Athletics
2018 Premier Golf Outing Results:
First Place Team: Portage Lake Golf Course
Second Place Team: Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
Third Place Team: Copper Country Ford
Fourth Place Team: Range Bank
Longest Drive #2 (Women): Deb Young
Longest Drive #2 (Men): Randy McKay
CTP #4: Brian Juopperi 12
Longest Putt #9: Aaron Cosellian
CTP #14: Chuck Gaff
Longest Putt #16: Robbyn Lucier
Skins Winners $580
Omer's Wyandotte Team
2017 Golf Outing:
2017 Teams:
GS Engineering, Tadych’s Econo Foods, Chassell Carpentry, Finlandia University, River Valley Bank, Walmart, Michigan Technological University, The Miners State Bank, Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital, UP Health System-Portage, Keweenaw Brewing Company, Peterson’s Fish Market, Copper Country Ford, Electric Brewing Supply, Daily Mining Gazette, Tervo Agency, UPPCO, U.P. Engineers & Architects, City of Houghton, Portage Lake Golf Course, Campioni Enterprises, Range Bank, Northwinds Adventures, Superior National Bank, Michigan Tech Employees Federal Credit Union, OHM Advisors, Auto-Pro Glass & Tire
Hole-in-One Donors:
Copper Country Ford, Tervo Agency, Blaine’s Chainsaw Carvings
Eagle Sponsors:
Keweenaw Brewing Company, Tadych's Econo Foods
Par Sponsors:
Pepsi-Cola of Houghton, Gardenview Assisted Living, Finlandia University, River Valley Bank, Walmart, Copper Country Ford, Electric Brewing Supply, Daily Mining Gazette, UPPCO, UP Engineer & Architects, Campioni Enterprises, Northwinds Adventures, Superior National Bank, Portage Health Foundation, Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
Chassell Carpentry, Copper Country Engraving, Pat’s Foods, Tadych’s Econo Foods, Michigan Tech University Images, Culver’s, Holiday Inn Express, Parkview Lodge & Grill, M&M PowerSports, Kirkish Furniture, Quincy Mine Hoist, Peterson’s Fish Market, Mine Shaft Rock House Grill & Tavern, Loading Zone, McDonald’s, UP Health System-Portage, Michigan Tech Portage Lake Golf Course, Walmart, Miner’s State Bank, Omer’s Golf Course, Michigan Tech Athletics, Magnuson Franklin Square Inn, Finlandia University, Auto Pro Glass & Tire
2017 Premier Golf Outing Results
First Place Team: Range Bank
Second Place Team: Auto Pro Glass & Tire
Third Place Team: Chassell Carpentry
Shortest Drive #1: Judy Aho
Longest Drive #2 (Women): Deb Young
Longest Drive #2 (Men): Alex Roy
CTP #4: Bob Perreault 12'4"
Longest Putt #9: Brad Gustafson 26'3"
CTP #14: Joel Peterson 16"
Longest Putt #16: Alex Roy 24'3"
Skins Winners $180 Each
Eagle #17: GS Engineering Team 1
Eagle #17: Pat's Foods
Eagle #17 Peterson's Fish Market